Friday, 2 May 2014

Living in guilt is dying in bits

The greatest health tip ever, arguably, is having peace of mind. Having peace of mind is to live a life devoid of a nagging conscience; a conscience that carries no angst of yesterday’s wrong doing and a mind, or a heart that does not accuse you of a vicious motive yet to be executed.

A mind devoid of angst, of what was done or what is to be done, is a mind that enhances sound sleep, while the opposite induces avoidable insomnia. It is scientifically proven that sleeplessness results in hypertension and other heart related ailments, which axiomatically are slow killers.

Depression, a mental condition caused majorly by guilt and frustration over unfulfilled dreams and lack of peace of mind (probably over wrongs not confessed and not forgiven), is said to cause more deaths in the United States of America than AIDS and cancer put together. I would like to add that depression is not that lethal only in the USA. It is the same everywhere.

People with joyful hearts hardly ever suffer depression. Hence it is imperative that we do our best to avoid pawning our joy for anything. No amount of wealth, affluence or any kind of material achievement can give joy, if such achievement is attained through questionable means. Stupendous wealth can also not replace joy in a heart where guilt has chased joy away.

According to Guilt: That rottenness inside that slowly eats away at your core. That feeling that you know you did something wrong and have not confessed it. Maybe you hurt someone, maybe you lied or cheated. Maybe you stole something or did something you feel is unforgiveable. Guilt can do more than simply rot your insides; it can cause minor and major health issues, restructure your life or cause someone else immense pain. Guilt is usually not a sin against ourselves but to ourselves and others.”

To overcome guilt, you need to get forgiven and you need to disgrace your ugly past and forgive it. To protect your joy, you really need to put up a bold face, walk up to the person whom you wronged and tell him “I’m sorry.” The person, if he is sane, definitely will not slap or contemn you for offering an apology. He rather will respect you for it. Even if it were God that you offended do just the same. After that, take a deliberate step to forgive yourself. If not, the angst, like the ghost of Banquo, will keep haunting you; leaving you in emotional wilderness and dying in bits.

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