Friday, 8 November 2013

One Sure Way to Attain Significance

People do a lot of things to get noticed. Some go out of the way to do unthinkable things just to get noticed. They do all these because, somewhere in their inner reserves, they feel insignificant. They feel they have not lived up to societal expectation. Thus they must do all they can to attract societal attention, or just to get noticed by a particular target group or person.
Have you ever asked yourself why some people get unduly noisy in a crowd? Or why others get overly aggressive, with a tendency to being violent at the slightest provocation? Have you ever wondered why some folks would order a bar closed, just to show others that they are rich? Why do people do things they ordinarily would not in the presence of people from whom they crave admiration? The answer to all these is simple: They want to attain significance.
Significance. Yes everybody wants to attain it. You  may have noticed that even a lunatic behaves sane when no one is around. He, however, begins to misbehave the moment he notices a number of persons around. In other words, even a lunatic seeks to prove his worth. That desire lies innate in the bottom of the personality of man.
In whatever way one may seek to publicize himself to get noticed, in order to attain significance, there is but one sure way of becoming significant here on earth: By discovering the purpose for which one was created and fulfilling it. Fulfilling one's purpose for living certainly impacts lives of fellowmen, thus those whose lives have been so impacted will discover how useful and significant they are that have impacted their lives.
Here, we can see that it does not take wealth for one to be significant. It only takes how impactful our activities and relationship with others are. If we look closely at the life of Jesus Christ, we will discover that He had no bank account. Yea, not a house He could call His own; yet there has not been a more significant man that has walked the surface of the earth than He. Thousands of years after He had left the earth, His impact keeps gathering momentum as though He was here just an hour ago. If you ask me, that is the true meaning of significance. This He attained because He came out of the Father to whom He also returned.
To really gain significance, therefore, one must get linked up to the Father. That is only possible when one goes through the Son (Jesus Christ), by surrendering to Him as the only Lord and Saviour (John 14:6). If you do that today, you are on your way to impacting the human race and becoming truly significant.

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