Thursday, 16 January 2014

Beware What You Confess

OFTEN we receive counsel on the need for positive confession. Only few people, however, match word with action in being mindful of what they confess with their mouths. Confession is not an ordinary speech act. It is a statement which expresses one's fundamental beliefs. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines confession as a formal statement of religious beliefs. It is a creed. An underlying statement which governs and shapes our imagination, attitude, world view, resolves and conduct.

Our confession comprises what we habitually speak out to people concerning issues of life. We speak it consistently and habitually because what we speak has become a foundation to what drives our actions in life.

What we confess has the capacity to drive or restrain us. In other words, our confessions can pep us up to success; it can also demoralize us to lag behind in the drive for success. Whatever we accomplish in life comes first and foremost as an imagination. Our imagination is formed from what we believe so strongly that we begin to speak about to people consistently, in fact habitually. Once a mental picture is created of what we believe (having imagination), it is just a matter of time for the manifestation to come. This principle is true of positive as well as negative imaginations.

It is important to know that positive imagination breeds positive confession, while negative imagination correspondingly breeds negative confession. The life of one who confesses positively moves in a positive direction, accomplishing great positive  things in life. On the other hand negativity is the trade mark of anyone who is given to negative confessions. The Holy Scriptures put it thus, "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled (Titus 1:15).

He that must be great must confess greatness. He that must succeed, success. What we believe and confess gives strength to the muscles of our faith and resolve to confront the challenges that we are faced with. The most popular phrase in Barack Obama's presidential campaign was "we can." At the end of the day, he made it to the White House. He believed he could, so he did it. The positive mindedness with which Obama pursued his presidential ambition was such that threatened any hurdle that dared to come his way. It mortified any opposition.

We, however, must be able to draw a line between positive confession and  bragging. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines bragging as a pompous or boastful statement; arrogant talk or manner. Whereas positive confession is a statement of belief that one can overcome whatever challenge he is confronted with in life (for God the Almighty Creator created man a creator capable of creating a solution to whatever challenges him), bragging is merely using words to build castles in the air. Bragging is making arrogant statements which lack fundamental belief, resolve, capability, and means of accomplishment.

There is no one who imagines and confesses positive things and lives positively that does not end his life in a positive way after accomplishing positive things. Let us shun negative confessions and imbibe the habit of positive confession for a positive living. Perhaps the crowning counsel should come from the Scriptures: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on (imagine) these things (Philippians 4:8). 

Confession is the statement that expresses what we imagine. Imagine positively to confess positively.

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